As previously remarked, it is very very quiet round here these days. Sorry for that, but we're all pretty busy, and I don't kid myself that there are thousands of people eagerly awaiting my next comment on any particular subject.
However, there IS a Facebook group, and you're very welcome to head over there and see if anything tickles your fancy:
I'm always keen to hear from you, my fine friends, as to how you see Christian Atheism working out in practice. Are you a church goer? Have you pretty much given up on church, but still see yourself as Christian? Or maybe you are an out-and-out atheist who feels that Christianity in particular, as well as Religion in general, are Bad Things that need opposed rather than exapted for humanistic purposes? Maybe you're a Theistic Christian who feels that we're all hellbound heretics, and how dare we assume the label "Christian" for an atheistic humanistic worldview that seeks to express itself via the Christian narrative (as others will express theirs through an Islamic, Jewish, Egyptian, Buddhist etc narrative)?