That old "God-shaped hole"

There is a popular theistic cliché that inside everyone there is a void - a "god-shaped hole".
The problem is: if you start out with a god-shaped hole, you end up with a hole-shaped god.

Christian Atheists grab this bull by the horns. We don't have a god-shaped hole. A god is like a piece of clothing; a style. We're not saying that Christianity is the Right Way - the Way, the Truth or the Life. It is simply the way we have chosen. Other atheists are Muslims, Jews and many others. Some are happy to remain within their religious tradition; others have grown beyond that.

Don't worry about a god-shaped hole. Typically what you really need are fulfilling human relationships and a direction to what you're doing with your life. Pay it forward. Don't be defined by what other people say you lack. Don't live by the hole.

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