We're on Facebook

Oh peskies! It appears my earlier post (which has been edited and annihilated - happy now, John Stott?) did not correctly indicate how to get to the Facebook page. I admit to a little puzzlement as to how to make that work, but try this link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Church-of-Jesus-Christ-Atheist/128248970561284

Is Christian Atheism going to go viral? I would love to think so, but really I think that we will remain something of an underground movement, always trying to inject a bit of reason and freethought into a juggernaut that continues to accrete more and more nonsense as it goes on.

Be careful out there, people!


  1. "Search for Church of Jesus Christ Atheist"

    I did.

    I didn't find it?

    Is there a sermon in that? :-)


  2. Look how lonely poor wee Shane is there, the only liker on FB... Join the poor wee chappie - go on go on go on...


Please leave a comment - not rude or off-topic. I have allowed anonymous postings for now, but if it gets a bit mad, I might need to change that. I reserve the right to delete comments if the thread is getting a wee bit out of hand - sorry for that. However, ideas welcome!