Belief is dead; long live orientation!

It's not just Christians who don't believe in God any more - check out Rabbi Jeffrey Falick's intriguing blog:

The "orientation model" of religion appears to be growing; fewer and fewer people adhere to the "belief model" (OK, they are still a majority). Perhaps this is due to better education. Perhaps it is a consequence of people being exposed to other viewpoints, and realising that what they previously held as "truth" is really just a societal custom, open to change.


  1. You know what's awesome about the 'orientation model'? The word 'orientation' is often enough associated with another 'lifestyle' choice, if you know what I mean. Another cultural minority that has come out loud and proud...

  2. Andrew, thanks - yes, I agree. Whether Christian Atheists choose to come "out" or not is going to always be a personal decision, but I think to even get a few declaring their unbelief *as Christians* could help create a new and positive dynamic within Christianity that could move it to a better place.


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