More good stuff from Alain de Botton

It seems people are determined to either misunderstand or misrepresent Alain de Botton's latest offerings about religion, but I think that he's Alain de Spot-on. From the Christian Atheist (or Atheistic Christian) perspective, a lot of what he has to say makes eminent sense. In some ways secularism has abandoned moral engagement, and left the field wide open to religions. Religions have over the years managed to accrete a number of ways of dealing with the sorts of things that plague this species of sentient ape during daily life, and despite the underlying untruth of their dogmas and beliefs, there is a lot of good there. Perhaps we should throw out the baby Jesus, but keep the bathwater.

Here's the video:

Enjoy, and please leave a comment here and at the main Vimeo site. Your ideas about how to integrate this with Christian Atheism would be most welcome.

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