Name change

OK, after the consultation (thanks, all!) I have decided to change the name from "Church of Jesus Christ Atheist" to "Christian Atheism in Action" (not "inaction"). The new URL for the blog is (yes, it has a hyphen - sorry about that).

One problem with the "Church" label was that it gave the impression that we were trying to start a denomination. That would be totally against the core concept of the Christianity Compatibility Layer. Another problem was that it juxtaposed "Jesus Christ" with "Atheist" too soon in the game, and I think potentially alienated part of the audience who really need to get a wee bit deeper into the thinking before deciding whether to switch off.

So let me know what you think - is there a better title? Are there other blogs or websites doing a similar thing to this? Are there useful links you can suggest? Is the concept fundamentally flawed, or is there a better way of getting atheists and believers alike to snuggle cosily together under the banner of "Christian" (in the same way as I hope they can do for Judaism and Islam)?

1 comment:

  1. Took me a while to find this...

    So, Jesus has gone, but Christ is still there, OK.

    Is this, like, an unSeeker Friendly Church (as opposed to Seeker unFriendly?)

    Seriously, though, Shane, after all this time, I still don't get this.

    I do get that there are people who, for one reason or another, don't believe in God, but are 'stuck' willingly or unwillingly in our churches. But what I don't get is why you don't just say, "Look, I come for social reasons, but I'm an atheist." I mean it's not like you want to preach, or take Sunday School or communion or anything, or maybe you do; but if that's the case, we'd have to have a long conversation about that.

    What is it about church that you like? And how do people like you and me "snuggle cosily" if you think I'm nuts!?


Please leave a comment - not rude or off-topic. I have allowed anonymous postings for now, but if it gets a bit mad, I might need to change that. I reserve the right to delete comments if the thread is getting a wee bit out of hand - sorry for that. However, ideas welcome!